COINTEGA, through its founding partners, is the representative of theGalician Textile, Clothing and Fashion sector in FEDECON, which is the national federation, where leads the vicepresidence, so does in the CONSEJO INTERTEXTIL ESPAÑOL.
COINTEGA is also founding partnerof CECOTEX –Confederación Española del Comercio Textil y Moda, together with Madrid Association Acotex, Valencia's Grecotex and Catalonian Clúster TextilModa.
COINTEGA – Cluster Gallego Textil Moda, is also part of CLUSTERS EUROPEAN PARTNERS, initiative leaded and driven in Galicia by Instituto Gallego de Promoción Económica (IGAPE).
COINTEGA has also founded, in cooperation with its portuguese counterpart, ATP-Associaçao Textil y Vestuario de Portugal, the project EUROCLUSTEX, which is the coreinitiative of the textile-fashion cluster of the Galicia-Norte de Portugal Euroregion, supported by POPTEC program by the EU, which has become an international representative initiative a with a growing influence in different forums.
COINTEGA is also representative of the textile-fashion sector in CONFEDERACIÓN DE EMPRESARIOS DE GALICIA (CEG). Cointega also represents the sector in MESA SECTORIAL TEXTIL, in the roundtable DIALOGO SOCIAL DE GALICIA. Cointega is also part of the negotiation commission Convenio Colectivo Nacional of the textile sector.
As the Asociación de empresarios de Confección de Coruña is the representative of the sector in CONFEDERACIÓN DE EMPRESARIOS DE CORUÑA (CEC) and Asociación de Industrias de Punto y Confección is the representative of the sector in CONFEDERACIONES DE EMPRESARIOS DE LUGO, ORENSE Y PONTEVEDRA (CEL, CEO y CEP).
Directly or through our integrated partnerships, we are over 150 associated companies, which represents over 90% of the whole business and employment Galician sector. There are companiesrepresenting the whole textile sector value chain, in any of the possible sizes (big, medium, small or micro) and business models (retailers, brands, manufacturers, support industry…)
By order of the Conselleria de Economía e Industria, the new Plan Estratégico sectorial has been designed, which has been previosuly agreed by the rest of the components of the Galiciansocial dialogue group, such as labor groups UGT and CCOO, and the Xunta de Galicia represented by several of its consellerías.
The Galician Textile Technology Platform is an initiative that seeks to promote the adaptation of I+D business activities of textile sector. EMPREGATEX
is a plan designed by the Galician Government Gobi in cooperation with Cointega (Confederación de Industrias Textiles de Galicia, Clúster Gallego Textil Moda) to mitigate the crisis effects on textile sector, and co-funded by the European Commission, through the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund.(FEAG). This project has been the first great agreement achieved for Social Dialogue in Galicia, between COINTEGAand the labor unions CCOO Galicia and UGT Galicia.
Most of the new training plans of the sector born in Galicia are driven by the three associations that form COINTEGA
EUROclusTEX - Cluster Textil/Ropa/Moda Norte de Portugal-Galicia is the result of mixing Textile/Clothing/Fashion groups from North Portugal and Galicia, in Spain. The initiative is based in the benefits of cooperation, developed by companies of both sides of the border. This project has to be judged as a way to mix the natural complementarybenefits of both different countries, helping to ensure the development of commerce, and driving new cooperationagreements.
Our concern as competitivity drivers on our sector, is focusedon four main areas, trying that to ensure the same high level of quality and innovation for all services
We develop new projects for Galician companies to explore and enter new markets
Serve as an efficient means to pass on new technologies
Create and drive specific forums about new strategies on the sector
Build meeting spaces for Galician companies to make cooperation easier
In our central offices, located at Parque Tecnológico de Vigo, we have all the required facilities to let us work and help you.
Appart from our main office and trying to stay closer to our associateds, no matter where they are, we try to work all over Galicia.
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